Turn a Setback into a Comeback
This past weekend two First Choice Martial Arts students, Finn, and Arman passed their junior black belt exam. When these students fell ill a few weeks ago and were unable to participate in the group black belt test there was quite a bit of uncertainty about when they may be able to fulfill their goal.
At the time when they pulled out, there was plenty of disappointment for the fear of when and how they might be able to do their exam. I am happy to say that this past weekend Sensei Ryan and Sensei Rupert stepped up, with Finn and Arman, and held a private black belt exam so these two students could achieve their lifelong goals. Although the exam was a little smaller it was just as intense and thorough, and these students passed with flying colours.
When we looked back a couple of weeks ago, we immediately eliminated the doubt and came up with an alternative plan and timeline so Finn and Arman could focus on the future. The minute we formalized our plan, you could see the relief as it allowed them to see past the immediate disappointment and look toward the future. Now there was no time for doubt and negative self-talk as we changed the narrative so they could maintain a positive attitude and achieve their goal.
You might notice that in every karate class our instructors will cheer on students with positive sayings like that’s a great job, keep it up, you can do it, one more rep, don’t quit, you’ve got this, and on and on. All these positive sayings are designed to filter out the negative thoughts that can enter one’s mind when things get tough. It’s easy to say have a positive attitude but when you’re in a negative environment, and people are pessimistic doubt can certainly creep in. I love it when students like Arman and Finn, face adversity but more importantly overcome the challenge. That is what FCMA is all about and it is great seeing the impact martial arts has on one’s character.
Remember, always focus on the future and not the past or even present dismay. There are always better times ahead and if you give yourself a clear positive image of what you want you will be unstoppable.
Look forward, not back because you can’t drive a car looking in the rear-view mirror!
Sensei Chris