Touch the Sky and Soar for Success

With our first stripe test after graduation out of the way, the kids are on track and more motivated than ever. With the June promotions behind us for just about a month, it seems people have had a chance to recharge a little this summer, yet they are more interested in working hard than relaxing.

Summer is a great time to chill out and spend quality family time with the people you care about. However, it is also a time when structure tends to fall by the wayside and getting up at 9 o'clock can sometimes become difficult. When you compare these same students to their endurance levels from just a few weeks ago, it is amazing how things have changed.

Fortunately, martial arts and karate provide a structured environment in a time lacking structure. During COVID, students probably had one of the worst times maintaining a consistent schedule. Still, fortunately, we were able to provide virtual classes and keep students engaged during a period when structure had disappeared.

Although not as severe, some similarities still exist, except this is a much more positive experience. Luckily, we have been able to witness students checking in each week, and, last Wednesday we had 112 students register for class, which is more than any day we've had in the past eight months. This is a testament to the dedication of our students and is great to see in the middle of July.

So, keep up the great work, and let's continue working towards our next ranks for the September graduation as we strive for black belt excellence.

And remember, that when the summer is hot and the weather is clear, you can always reach up and touch the sky!

Sensei Chris